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Adopters' friends and family

Adopters really need the ongoing support from their friends and family, from the early days of placement when they may welcome someone to do a few chores in the back ground whilst they start to build a relationship with their child(ren) i.e  most people would welcome a homecooked lasagne made for them! Once established they may welcome the offer of a few hours child care. Like your adoptive parent friend or relative you maybe going on your own journey about understanding adoption, don't be afraid to ask your friend or family member about the process, discuss what would be helpful to them and their child and where possible be a available as listening ear, emotional and practical support and don't wait for them to ask for help!

Reading list

  • Am I supposed to feel this way? A seven-year-old birth child's experience of adoption - Elizabeth Archer
  • Adoption Is a Family Affair!: What Relatives and Friends Must Know Paperback – Patricia Irwin Johnston 
  • Preparing for Adoption – Early days of Placement – Julia Davis
  • Related by Adoption – Heidi Argent

Useful resources

Useful videos